India's women revolt against a culture of rape

India's women revolt against a culture of rape

India's women revolt against a culture of rape

Posted: 03 Mar 2015 02:48 PM PST

After a brutal gang rape in India made news across the world, the country is dealing with a cultural crisis in a clash between traditional values and a new generation of educated, modern women....
Views: 11
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Time: 02:44 More in News & Politics

Russians march in solidarity with slain Putin political foe

Posted: 03 Mar 2015 05:17 AM PST

Armed with flowers and flags, tens of thousands turned out in a somber but defiant display of solidarity with murdered Russian opposition leader Boris Nemtsov. Following Nemtsov's murder, many...
Views: 209
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Time: 02:20 More in News & Politics

When is Larry David actually Larry David?

Posted: 02 Mar 2015 05:42 PM PST

Comedian Larry David sat down with CBS News' Charlie Rose for a interview that aired on "60 Minutes." Some of the banter between the two focused on Larry David's true identity, at least, it...
Views: 29
4 ratings
Time: 01:51 More in News & Politics

As parents boycott Common Core, a warning is issued

Posted: 02 Mar 2015 07:45 PM PST

Parents across the country are withholding their children from taking the Common Core examinations in protest of a test they call complicated and confusing. But one former school superintendent...
Views: 135
4 ratings
Time: 02:07 More in News & Politics

LAPD: Homeless man reached for officer's gun

Posted: 02 Mar 2015 09:50 PM PST

Police say a homeless man in Los Angeles tried to grab an officer's gun in an altercation that ended with officers shooting the homeless man. As Carter Evans reports, the LAPD says the officers...
Views: 116
2 ratings
Time: 02:09 More in News & Politics

Boston on the cusp of breaking snow record

Posted: 02 Mar 2015 06:14 PM PST

Boston got another round of snow over the weekend, leaving it just inches shy of a snowfall record. The city could soon rewrite the history books as a new storm promises to deliver even more...
Views: 29
1 ratings
Time: 01:56 More in News & Politics

James Clapper: I'm worried about "dysfunction in Washington"

Posted: 02 Mar 2015 11:11 PM PST

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper sat down with Charlie Rose to discuss issues of national security. Clapper told Rose he's concerned about a number of issues, including the scrutiny...
Views: 97
1 ratings
Time: 01:34 More in News & Politics

U.S. pushes on with talks for Iran nuclear deal

Posted: 02 Mar 2015 04:11 PM PST

Talks between the U.S. and Iran continued in Switzerland, just weeks ahead of a self-imposed deadline for an agreement about Iran's nuclear program. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry shot...
Views: 5
0 ratings
Time: 01:29 More in News & Politics

Netanyahu strikes conciliatory tone ahead of speech to Congress

Posted: 02 Mar 2015 04:06 PM PST

Speaking at a pro-Israel conference, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sought to narrow the divide between his government and the Obama administration. The White House sees Netanyahu's ...
Views: 7
0 ratings
Time: 02:03 More in News & Politics

Outrage over Superstorm Sandy fraud claims

Posted: 02 Mar 2015 05:39 PM PST

Senators from New York and New Jersey are demanding congressional hearings after a "60 Minutes" report found engineering reports may have been falsified to reduce payouts linked to Superstorm...
Views: 21
2 ratings
Time: 02:53 More in News & Politics

Canadian jihadist Andre Poulin recruited 5 others for ISIS

Canadian jihadist Andre Poulin recruited 5 others for ISIS

Canadian jihadist Andre Poulin recruited 5 others for ISIS

Posted: 03 Mar 2015 09:32 AM PST

Ontario-born jihadist Andre Poulin recruited five other young Canadian Muslims to join ISIS. Click here for the full story:
Views: 316
11 ratings
Time: 07:29 More in News & Politics

Toronto tunnel dug by 2 men as 'man cave'

Posted: 03 Mar 2015 06:43 AM PST

Two men in their 20s dug the bunker-like tunnel found in north Toronto as a "man cave" to hang out in. Click here for the full story:
Views: 428
17 ratings
Time: 01:53 More in News & Politics

Alcohol-abuse risks need more attention in Canada, researchers say

Posted: 02 Mar 2015 07:27 PM PST

A new report has come out in the Canadian Medical Association Journal suggesting family doctors should do more to screen for problem drinking. Dr. Peter Lin is here to talk about it. Click...
Views: 10
2 ratings
Time: 02:02 More in News & Politics

Patients' 'lives ruined' as hip surgery waits grow | Go Public

Posted: 02 Mar 2015 09:41 PM PST

Two osteoarthritis patients struggling with constant pain are speaking out in frustration about increasingly long waits to get hip replacement surgery. Click here for the full story: http://www.cbc...
Views: 37
5 ratings
Time: 02:17 More in News & Politics

Mike Duffy trial to hear from former PMO insiders, Conservative MPs

Posted: 03 Mar 2015 11:42 AM PST

Some of Prime Minister Stephen Harper's closest former advisers will appear as Crown witnesses in the trial of suspended senator Mike Duffy. Click here for the full story:
Views: 364
7 ratings
Time: 03:46 More in News & Politics

Photographer Camille Seaman captures an icy landscape that's melting away

Posted: 02 Mar 2015 11:47 PM PST

Camille Seaman is a photographer with a passion for ice. She's working in Alaska, raising the alarm about a landscape that's melting away. Click here for the full story:
Views: 179
12 ratings
Time: 10:55 More in News & Politics