Flashback 1977: Visual Effects award at Oscars

Flashback 1977: Visual Effects award at Oscars

Flashback 1977: Visual Effects award at Oscars

Posted: 20 Feb 2015 12:57 PM PST

The award for Best Visual Effects at the 1977 Academy Awards was shared by "King Kong" and "Logan's Run." In this "CBS Evening News" report from that year, correspondent Terry Drinkwater profiled.
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Time: 02:55 More in News & Politics

American techniques used to combat addiction in Iran

Posted: 20 Feb 2015 01:41 PM PST

Millions of Iranians are addicted to the narcotics that flow cheaply and easily from nearby Afghanistan. In an attempt to control the problem, the Iranian government is looking to a method...
Views: 367
10 ratings
Time: 03:13 More in News & Politics

Will employers profile you based on Facebook page?

Posted: 20 Feb 2015 12:04 PM PST

A computer model can scan a user's Facebook profile and spit out information about that person's personality and traits. The method may allow employers to go beyond a resume in order to get...
Views: 224
5 ratings
Time: 02:00 More in News & Politics

Iwo Jima survivors recall 1945 battle

Posted: 19 Feb 2015 06:06 PM PST

Seventy years after the battle of Iwo Jima, two survivors provide perspective on the offensive that is best remembered for an iconic photograph of U.S. Marines raising an American flag. As...
Views: 0
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Time: 02:58 More in News & Politics

Obama pointedly avoids attaching "Islamic" to terrorism

Posted: 20 Feb 2015 02:43 AM PST

At a White House conference on violent extremism, President Obama took pains to separate Islam from terrorism, pointedly refusing to use the phrase "Islamic terror." Bill Plante reports.
Views: 167
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Time: 01:54 More in News & Politics

Record lows reach deep into southern U.S.

Posted: 19 Feb 2015 04:31 PM PST

Winter is usually the time of year many northerners head south. But as Vicente Arenas explains, there was no escaping the cold, even way down there.
Views: 6
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Time: 01:22 More in News & Politics

CBS News poll: Americans see ISIS as major U.S. threat

Posted: 19 Feb 2015 06:10 PM PST

Nearly two out of three Americans say they see ISIS as a major threat to the United States. And for the first time, more than half favor using U.S. ground troops against ISIS. Michelle Miller reports.
Views: 25
4 ratings
Time: 01:01 More in News & Politics

Plans for retaking of Mosul finalized

Posted: 20 Feb 2015 12:04 PM PST

An official with U.S. central command said plans have been finalized for what is expected to be the retaking of Mosul, Iraq's second largest city. Mosul is held by an estimated 1000 to 2000...
Views: 1937
9 ratings
Time: 01:32 More in News & Politics

Officials investigate "superbug" outbreak at UCLA medical center

Posted: 19 Feb 2015 07:04 PM PST

The UCLA Health System is notifying 179 patients who may have been exposed to infection from a superbug called CRE between October 2014 and January 2015. Dr. Jon LaPook reports.
Views: 24
5 ratings
Time: 02:14 More in News & Politics

Deep freeze continues, descending below zero

Posted: 19 Feb 2015 04:22 PM PST

In much of the Northeast, a Siberian express will make it feel like it's double-digits below zero. Dean Reynolds reports on the winter misery.
Views: 6
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Time: 02:22 More in News & Politics